An effective leader manages their dark side.  

Most leaders have darker, less desirable aspects of their personality which, left unknown and unchecked, have the potential to derail them.  

The GreyScale Test ™ examines dark personality traits that contribute to highly effective leadership or pose a risk.

The GreyScale Team

Dr. Paul Phillips

Paul is the Founder and CEO of Need-A-Psych. He has multiple health degrees including a PhD from Sydney University. He has worked with sports stars, media personalities and business executives to optimise their mental state and achieve peak performance.


Vicki Mclean

Vicki is the Founder and Director of sparcgap global, specializing in business growth through cultural unity. She has has owned, led, and consulted to multi-nationals, SME's and Senior Executives over the last decade.

Peter Griffith

Peter has researched leadership and developed leaders for 18 years as a consultant and coach. He is the Managing Director of 3Things, specializing in recognizing effective leadership attributes and unlocking the winning potential of leaders.